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Structured and Loose Layering


Structured and Loose Layering

David Ruff

When layering, I love to mix and match styles whether it be within that specific article of clothing or all different types of clothing. With my camel colored shirt that I used as a jacket, it was oversized which gave it a loose look, yet had a defined lapel and bold buttons that gave it a structured look. My dress pants are very formal but relaxed because the leg is not tapered. This also applies to colors. I mixed camel, grey, and navy for a neutral vibe that is put together but also has an effortless chic style. 

To top off the look, I added these flat top Yves Saint Laurent sunnies, which go with the whole look. The color is a simple black that is not striking, but hard edges that give it that strong look. In addition, my white sneakers are a boxy shape with simple straps that are very casual and geometric. Overall, my look included defined shapes and structures that are oversized and baggy to create that off duty effortless look.



Let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below! Any feedback, suggestions, tips, and more. Hope you enjoyed this post. Stay Ruff!