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Filtering by Tag: Diet

How and Why Coffee Can Help You Lose Weight

David Ruff

Coffee is probably the most popular beverage amongst Americans. And rightfully so. Many drink coffee for the buzz they need to maintain their focus during a busy day, or for the artificial flavors that so many drool over. When waiting in that obnoxiously long Starbucks line, one never grabs a sizzling hot coffee to curb their metabolism. Coffee surprisingly can help you shave off a couple pounds - but only if you drink it correctly. You are probably thinking how can one drink coffee incorrectly? But there are a ton of different factors to keep in mind such as the time of day in which you drink it, the amount, and what you put in it.

The most obvious rule and widely known rule is NO MILK! My dad always drinks his coffee "black", for nearly twenty years now because of a detox he did at a spa trip. On the other hand, out of all my friends, I am guilty of a serious case of milk obsession. I pour gallons of half and half into my coffee while I eat french fries (probably not the healthiest choice). One of my best friends, Carly, always puts the smallest amount of soy milk in her coffee but not for dietary reasons. Between the two of us the word "diet" is rarely ever used, mainly because we can't talk due to the fact that there is a cheeseburger in our mouths at all times.

So to test this theory of mine, I resorted to research. I read this article on Byrdie all about how coffee can curb your metabolism. The infamous ingredient in our coffee is caffeine, and it helps speed up your metabolism in addition to all its wonderful benefits. A pro tip is to drink your coffee pre-workout for an energy and fat cell breakdown boost. According to dietitian, Dana Godfrey, it helps signal fat cells to break down fat, in doing so it reduces your cravings. Disclaimer - the effects of the caffeine will start to not be as effective if you are an avid drinker of coffee. Dara suggests two to three "black" cups of coffee before 3pm. This means get your caffeine fix in before the afternoon, and stay away from sugar, cream, and milk. The extra sweeteners and ingredients not only add on the weight but increase your hunger. Ditching the yummy stuff is hard, I see that tear rolling down your eye. I know - harsh. 

Now lets get scientific. Integrative physician Ralph Esposito, states that, drinking coffee pre-workout boosts Adiponectin, a hormone in your body, that increases the burning of fats and sugars. When you drink a coffee with a ton of flavor like my favorite, a pumpkin spice latte, it kills the flora (good bacteria) that maintains your metabolism and hunger. 

But there are also cons. If you are regularly bloated or experience weight gain from this change of coffee-drinking, you should probably stop due to the irritation of your intestines causing further bloating. This might not be for everyone, sadly. I would rather change my coffee habits than going on a full blown diet because lets face it, cheeseburgers aren't going anywhere any time soon.

Let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below! Any feedback, suggestions, tips, and more. Hope you enjoyed this post. Stay Ruff!