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Yeezy Look For Less: Shopping the Style Without Breaking the Bank


Yeezy Look For Less: Shopping the Style Without Breaking the Bank

David Ruff

Kanye West's Yeezy fashion line has been a hot topic ever since it hit the runway. It is known for its relaxed athletic look, but the prices are just too crazy to comprehend. Below I will be demonstrating how to shop the look for less; what to look out for and how to accomplish the polished Yeezy look. In addition, you can shop the styles directly from this blog post by clicking on your selected image in the carousels below.

Go Monochromatic

This trend is possibly the most popular style. Before Kanye put monochrome on the runway, many people did not like the idea of mixing within the same color family. Monochrome is consisting of only one color or within the same color family. When creating a monochrome wardrobe, remember Kanye's color palette. Yeezy's main color is taupe/beige. Also, khaki green, cream, black and recently, neon lime, and neon orange.

Defined Silhouettes

Silhouettes are the overall shape and image of a piece of clothing. The Yeezy Brand introduced oversized silhouettes since their first collection. The past two seasons Kanye has also displayed tight silhouettes, and even mixed the two silhouettes to create a dramatic look. When shopping this trend, keep an eye out for dramatic shapes. 

Holes and Rips

Holes and rips are a huge Kanye trend. From subtle rips to huge hole, it is one of the many things the brand is known for. You want to find holes and rips, and keep in mind to stay in the color palette, and also the correct silhouettes.

Let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below! Any feedback, suggestions, tips, and more. Hope you enjoyed this post. Stay Ruff!