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New YouTube Video: How to Make Matcha Lattes and Avocado Toast


New YouTube Video: How to Make Matcha Lattes and Avocado Toast

David Ruff

Matcha lattes and avocado toast are always a restaurant favorite for me! Recently the past couple of months I have learned to make them at home. Since I am not a big on cooking, these are two simple easy recipes to follow. Below the video I will include the recipes written out and credits. Don't forget to subscribe by clicking here.


Matcha Recipe

1 cup of boiling water
1 cup of milk of your choice
2 tsp matcha powder
1-2 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1-2 tbsp honey

Add boiling water, milk, matcha powder, coconut oil, and vanilla extract to a blender.  Blend on high until creamy, smooth, and frothy for 30-45 seconds. The end result will be frothy. Add honey then pour into mugs.

Click here for recipe credit.



1/2 of an avocado

1/2 lemon to squeeze

2 slices of toast

Red pepper flakes

Sea Salt 



Toast two pieces of bread. Mash 1/2 of an avocado. Squirt 1/2 of a lemon into the avocado mixture. Add selected amount of red pepper flakes and sea salt to the mixture as well. Mash and mix once again. Apply mixture to toasted bread then if needed, squirt lemon, add red pepper flakes, and sea salt again. 


Let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below! Any feedback, suggestions, tips, and more. Hope you enjoyed this post. Stay Ruff!