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Filtering by Category: Beauty

7 Haircare Mistakes I Won't Make Again and Why

David Ruff

Do you ever just wish you were in a Pantene commercial? Because same. Finally, I can say that I might have come very close. No, I’m not Pantene’s latest face, however; Pantene, hit me up with a sponsorship (kidding, but not really). What I am trying to get at is I have mastered the art of haircare and hairstyling in the past couple months after years of trial and failure.

Are you making the same mistakes I once made to damage my hair? The way you wash, style, and dry your hair can dramatically alter the health and appearance of your hair. Don’t worry, I am sharing all my tips and tricks, as per usual, to help you get through the tough times of dull and unruly hair.

  1. Over Styling

    This one seems like a no-brainer, but sometimes your hair needs to breathe, literally. Over styling hair is the biggest mistake most people make. Heat styling breaks down the hydrogen bonds in your hair; concentrated heat can have long lasting damages — such as hair loss, thinning, and breakage — especially when done to wet and fragile hair consistently.

  2. Not Brushing Before Washing

    Hair is most fragile when it is wet. Brushing your hair before hopping in the shower reduces your chances of annoying tangles. If you like combing your hair in the shower, opt for applying conditioner first, then untangling the strands with your fingers before combing your hair with a wide toothed comb.

  3. Washing Daily

    Washing your hair everyday strips your hair of its natural oils that maintain its shininess and health. I workout almost daily so an alternative to this habit is washing your hair with just water or a light conditioner to prevent damaging the scalp.

  4. Washing with Shampoo and Conditioner Always

    Consistent shampooing dries out your hair and increases chances of breakage. As previously stated, I normally only condition my hair when I shower. Last year my hair was extremely damaged from consistent shampooing and over-styling; conditioning my hair every time I shower and skipping shampooing for most days of the week have revived my hair to a luscious state.

  5. Aggressive Towel Drying

    Remember that your hair is most fragile when it is wet? Aggressively towel drying your hair can damage the hair cuticle resulting in dullness, frizz, and breakage. Blotting your hair with a towel and air drying before styling and/or applying product is your best bet for preserving healthy strands of hair. Don’t avoid towel drying all together by heat-styling your hair wet because it will yield greater damage.

  6. Hairspray Before Styling

    I have made this mistake many times when upset with how my hair looks after tons of product and attempting to fix it by re-blowing my hair. This is a big no-no, especially with flat irons. If you hear a sizzling noise, chances are whatever you are doing is not healthy for your hair. The alcohols in hair spray burn on contact with heat. You can still live your best voluminous life, but AFTER you style your hair.

  7. No Protection

    At this point, I feel like a high school gym teacher teaching safe sex — just with more credentials. Protection is, in fact, important. Using heat protection products can shield your hair from the damaging aftermath caused by heat styling. I know I can’t live without my blow dryer, and I will still be able to use it years from now as hair protection is vital to prevent hair loss and damage.

Now that you know not to make the mistakes I have made countless times in the past, there is no turning back. I hope that these rules will bring you closer to Beyoncé, Pantene, Lioness level hair. Most importantly remember, the great philosopher by the name of Elle Woods once said, “The rules of haircare are simple and finite.”

I Did 20,000 Crunches In 30 Minutes And This Is What Happened...

David Ruff

I did 20,000 crunches in 30 minutes. Yup. And that sounds impossible. Because it basically is. But nearly anything is possible when you visit Jeannel Astarita of Just Ageless at 11 Howard.

Astaria is on the forefront of cutting edge beauty technology as she performs everything from laser treatments to silk peel facials to using cool-sculpting machines. 

Although, this time I didn't get my regular facial with Jeannel. I tested out the new Emsculpt machine which is placed on your stomach to reduce fat and build muscle. The machine varies in intensity as a 30 minute session can be equivalent to 20,000 crunches. 

Recently, I have been working on abdominal strength and achieving the perfect six pack. Even though I am close, I needed the extra push (because I am not ready to say goodbye to french fries). The Emsculpt machine not only eliminates your fat, but aids in strengthening your core, which will allow you to complete your abdominal workouts more efficiently and improve in new areas of fitness.

I relaxed as the machine was strategically placed on my lower stomach where I experience the most fat. The machine subtly jolts your core in intervals then goes in to resting periods. Jeannel described these contractions akin to giving birth.

The whole experience was weird - but in the best way possible. At first I had the giggles from even using this machine to begin with, but as I eased in to it, I felt less guilty for having french toast earlier, and learned how cool and innovative this technology really is.

About 2 days later is when I really noticed the change in my workouts. I was able to complete my regular abdominal routine in longer sets while being able to perform new workouts I could not complete under normal circumstances.

Jeannel suggests to get this treatment 3-4 times to see the best physical and visual results. I definitely will be coming back to Astaria's office to do 20,000 crunches - no sweat involved.


6 Ways To Keep Your Tan From Fading

David Ruff

The best sign of having a fun Summer is returning to your school or office looking sun-kissed and glowing. If we could all capture Summer in a bottle, we would, but while scientists are figuring that one out (joking), we can create a period of longevity for our tan.


Prepping your skin for a tan is essential. Using a scrub or exfoliating cleanser/body wash basically acts as a primer for tanning, as you get rid of all the dead skin cells sitting on top of your skin.

Take a cold shower

As much as I love a hot shower, beauty hurts, honey. Cold showers are more hydrating than hot showers, which strip your skin.


Drinking the proper amount of water daily, which is 8 servings of 8 ounces, is key to preserving your tan. Proper hydration extends the life of your skin cells, and subsequently delays your body's natural exfoliating process (yes, we shed like snakes). Add cocoa to your water for a boost of hydration - the perfect excuse to drink hot cocoa (or cold cocoa) in the middle of Summer.


Moisturizing should be the most important step in your skincare routine. This act will prevent your skin from peeling and aids in hydrating, as mentioned previously. Here's a pro tip: adding a few drops of tanning oil will help increase that bronzy #glow.

Wear a tan extender

There are actually products out there to help with this exact dilemma. Tan extenders help increase the time period of your tan and can actually make you look tanner than before.

Fake it 'till you make it

Slather on that bronzer or self tanner or whatever you need to do to glow, girl! Some Summers are better than others, or some people may just not tan (and only burn) *gasp*. Accentuate your tan or fake one until Fall.

How do you guys preserve your tan?


Interview: Madelaine Petsch On All Things Beauty and Riverdale, and Inside Bioré's Event

David Ruff

You might know Madelaine Petsch as the vindictive Cheryl Blossom on CW's Riverdale, but I can honestly tell you that Petsch has nothing in common with her character besides their hair color and love for the country side. 

I met Madelaine a few days before her Bioré event at the Jonathan Simkhai fashion show, so I was shocked when Madelaine greeted me with a hug as I waltzed over to her. Madelaine is arguably the nicest celebrity I ever met.

As we got to talk about her first ever Fashion Week, Petsch confessed that she likes New York and it's buzz, but would never live here because she is a suburban girl at heart. Right after the event, Madelaine was scheduled to hop on a plane to get right back to filming her hit teen drama show, so it is only fitting that she is Bioré's new brand ambassador; a skincare brand that promotes efficiency and the elimination of acne - very relevant to her demographic, and frankly her schedule (or anybody who has quite the busy schedule).

After our photo op, which included a messy face wash battle, I sat down with Madelaine to get the full scope on her own skincare routine and Cheryl Blossom's beauty secrets.


DAVID: "What is one beauty product you can't live without on set?"

MADELAINE: "The Bioré pore strips... I am addicted to them!"

DAVID: "Describe what your skin was like in high school."

MADELAINE: "It was fine in high school, after I graduated high school I had cystic acne for like two years and it was awful. Then, it cleared up again. But it was all stress related, like its all from stress."

DAVID: "What is your beauty secret for great skin?"

MADELAINE: "After I've been on set all day and I've got a bunch of makeup on, I will actually triple wash my face with the Bioré Baking Soda Acne Cleansing Foam just to get all of it out, because one wash and even two washes I think isn't enough to get all of that makeup out of your pores."

DAVID: "What do you think Cheryl's beauty routine would look like?"

MADELAINE: "I mean I do it every morning in the makeup trailer, and it is long. And I feel like between me and you, and the rest of the people who read your blog, I really feel like Cheryl would have a professional makeup artist come to the house every day, don't you think?"

DAVID: "She would!"

MADELAINE: "She honestly would."

DAVID: "What brand of red lipstick does Cheryl always wear?"

MADELAINE: "It's a secret!"




Shop Madelaine's Favorites

Click on the selected product to shop!

Let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below! Any feedback, suggestions, tips, and more. Hope you enjoyed this post. Stay Ruff!


New YouTube Video: The Best Face-Masks To Do With Your BFF

David Ruff

I collaborated with my fellow blogger bestie, Katie Sands, also known as ‘Honestly Kate’, to show you guys the best masks to do with your BFF from Dr. Brandt, whether it be at a sleepover or getting ready for a night out on the town.


Let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below! Any feedback, suggestions, tips, and more. Hope you enjoyed this post. Stay Ruff!


#IWokeUpLikeThis Status: How To Save Your Skin Over-Night

David Ruff

We all have those days, and sometimes those days turn into weeks, and unfortunately even months. If you still don't know what I am hinting at - it is skin concerns; whether it be acne, dullness, dryness, oiliness, redness, irritation, or whatever your issue may be... this mask is here to save your skin (and you), overnight. 

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Recently, stress from finals sent my skin into a frenzy, so naturally, I am in full-on recovery mode. It is important not to over or under exfoliate, and many don't realize as you strip away the surface layer of your skin, you need to equally hydrate. Hydration is the ultimate form of recovery for your skin. Diet, stress, antibiotic intake, and even harsh beauty products, are all factors that disrupt your skin's normal equilibrium, and in-turn, you can say goodbye to your once perfect complexion.

Now, the question is: how can one save such a disaster? And even further, achieve Beyoncé's "#IWokeUpLikeThis" status.


Dr. Brandt® Skincare's Hydro Biotic Recovery Sleeping Mask is the answer to all your prayers, leaving your skin effortlessly glowing. 

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The way this mask works is that you apply it before you sleep, and leave it on throughout the night. You don't even need to wash it off the next morning! The mask targets your skin's barrier by repairing the damaged cells, giving off a healthy natural glow. 

As stated by Miami-based Dermatologist and Dr. Brandt Skin
Advisory Board member Dr. Shasa Hu, "Recovery and repair is
just as important for our skin as it is for our muscles. At the end of the day, our skin has been exposed to UV damage, thermal damage, environmental pollutants, and physical stressors. The nourishing blend of biotics and antioxidants in the Hydro Biotic Recovery Sleeping Mask offers what I call ‘Active Recovery’ for the skin, so we wake up with that morning glow." As I would like to say, no "halo" needed (Beyoncé pun).

Also, (the skincare nerd within me needs to share that) a really cool thing about the Hydro Biotic mask is that it isn't sticky like most overnight masks are. Bonus points for the amazing smell, kudos to the manuka honey and tea extracts. 

Apply this mask every night, and "sweet dreams". I do not apologize for the reoccurring Beyoncé puns.


Hydro Biotic

$52, Sephora

Let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below (and if you "woke up like 'dis")! Any feedback, suggestions, tips, and more. Hope you enjoyed this post. Stay Ruff!
